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20 Lead Generation Ideas To Help Your Lead Generation Campaign

20 Lead Generation Ideas To Help Your Lead Generation Campaign

20 Lead Generation Ideas To Help Your Lead Generation Campaign

Lead generation continues to be a challenge, even at a time when there is no dearth of data. Big data is no longer elusive. Thanks to machine learning, big data analysis is also becoming simpler and more reliable with every passing week. Access to databases is not a problem but specificity and relevance are still challenges that must be overcome. Then there remains the perennial hurdle of qualifying leads. Any lead generation campaign that falls short of creating a database of interested customers or potential buyers is basically a step towards a sales cycle and not exactly transactions. There has to be an effect on the bottom line.

Here are twenty clever lead generation ideas for businesses. Some of these are common but they cannot be excluded from any list. Others are effective tactics if you can formulate a sound internet marketing strategy. Ideally, you should be using several of these twenty clever lead generation ideas at the same time.

1. Use a product video to entice customers. People are increasingly becoming visual learners. The audience prefers to watch and hear instead of reading and forming an opinion. The virtual world is becoming reactionary in more ways than one. A product video can provide the boost you need to convert visitors into leads.

2. Assess the call to action on your website. You should have a call to action on every webpage, even on your social media profiles. Does the call to action stand out? Test the placement, design and content used in the call to action against its alternatives. Choose the most effective one.

3. Limit the number of choices you offer to your target audience. Customers are always looking for options but the more they have, easier it is for them to be perplexed. You do not want to confuse your target audience. Keep simpler options and limit them to only a few to boost lead generation.

4. Consider gated videos for targeted advertising. Gated video campaigns cost slightly more than the usual pay per click advertising on search engines and through content delivery networks. The slightly greater cost is more than compensated by the quantum of returns.

5. Make valuable posts downloadable. Many companies publish valuable information including factsheets and precious data. Compiled reports, assessments and other advisories are more helpful for your target audience when they can be downloaded and used in various forms. The visitors are more likely to share their email address to download the content.

6. Use the about page on your website to create a connection with the audience. This pitch alone can generate leads for your product or service. Present a proposition your audience cannot dismiss on this page.

7. Routine blogging is effective for sustained lead generation. A stagnant blog or a dearth of new content will lead to a static and you will not gain new followers or subscribers.

8. While new blog posts are necessary, evergreen content does matter in the grander scheme of things. There should be valuable information that should transcend time and contextual relevance. Create such evergreen content and continue to optimize them for changing times and specificities.

9. Generate leads on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. Get followers and then convert them to leads. This is easier said than done but you must explore these platforms with greater vigor.

10. Go for promoted tweets or sponsored posts. All major social networks and social media platforms have the option of promoting or sponsoring content so the piece gets more traction.

11. Use LinkedIn to publish new content. LinkedIn has always been a network for professionals. With its content publishing platform now being available, it is becoming a magnet for business leads and one must not forget that professionals are also consumers of products and services. LinkedIn content comes with a certain degree of authority and influence that ordinary delivery networks do not provide. Hence, the impact on lead generation is much more profound.

12. Use Quora for branding and exposure. Answer questions so people get to know about you. Establish your authority by sharing your knowledge and offering advice on the popular platform. You can then export the fame you get on the site to your social media profiles and also the official website.

13. Target communities on social media and you can subsequently trigger a chain reaction if you can influence enough people in a group. Lead generation can be boosted in many ways. A chain reaction is the most effective of all tactics.

14. Traditional mass media is not dead. It is not even dying if you assess the popularity of major television channels and radio stations. Use television and radio to your advantage. Even the streaming services are relying on traditional mass media to expand their exposure.

15. Attend events that are relevant and will get you closer to your target audience. These could be virtual events such as webinars. One event that generates enough traction is sufficient to boost your lead generation campaign. Viral videos of speakers have teleported them to celebrity status, in some cases overnight.

16. Explore strategic partnerships. Your database may be useful for someone. Theirs may be useful for you. Swapping databases, targeting audiences that have expressed interest in a range of products and services, collective lead generation and affiliate programs or integration campaigns can work wonders if planned well.

17. Harness the power of influencers, on social media and offline. If you have a social influencer as a customer, use that strength or you could pay some to promote your brand. This is a widely used promotional strategy, even among global brands.

18. The popup is undesirable and in some cases outright off-putting for many target audiences. Yet, pop-ups can generate leads and can be very useful in various campaigns.

19. The good old referrals are still relevant in this day and age. References can be generated in a myriad of ways and social media along with dedicated software or apps promoting referrals should be explored.

20. AdWords can be used for lead generation. You can practically place lead generation forms inside a search advertisement.

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