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Google Panda Update and New Penguin Generation Expected Soon

Google Panda Update and New Penguin Generation Expected Soon

Google Panda Update and New Penguin Generation Expected Soon

Within days, you should expect search engine giant Google to release a fresh update of the Panda. This was announced by Matt Cutts, Google’s Distinguished Engineer. Google, he further said, is also working to introduce revisions to the Penguin algorithm.
The first release of Panda, which introduced changes to Google’s algorithm, was made in February 2011. Panda was designed to improve the overall content and services found when Internet users search for something online. It works by penalizing websites practicing keyword stuffing and using low quality content that are not unique and informative. The changes in algorithm gave websites with high quality content greater chances at getting higher ranking.

New Panda Updates

Cutts revealed that the new Panda update is set to be released March 15 (Friday) or March 18 (Monday). This is the second time Google issued a refresh for Panda in 2013. The first was made in January 22 and this affected more than 1% of all English queries. During the next few days, do not stray very far away from your computer as you are likely to experience an exhilarating but surprising increase in the traffic of your website. Of course this is IF you made sure that your website adheres to Google’s current standards.

New Penguin Updates

Cutts did not provide a definite date on when the new Penguin update will be released. He said though that you should see it soon and it should usher in the new Penguin generation.
Like the Panda, Penguin is focused on making the Internet users’ experience more satisfying and valuable. One of the things that Penguin does is to prevent irrelevant back links. For example, you can’t post your blogs in just any sites, particularly those unrelated to your niche, and link them to your websites. This takes a bit of adjusting to, but the upside of this is you will learn which back linking methods can help you generate the most traffic.

The first Penguin algorithm was released April last year followed by another on October. The October release affected .3% of English queries, -0.4% of Spanish queries, 0.4% of French queries and -0.3 % of Italian queries.

The much-awaited Penguin update, Cutts revealed, will have a far ranging effect on websites and will target a few more link websites, including one or a couple of the biggest ones.
The question that many people have in mind now is how the next Penguin updates will affect their internet activities specially those relating to their businesses. It is really difficult to tell. What is certain is you may have to weather a few rough spots whether your website is for business or not.

Those two Google algorithms are not new and if you made adjustments to your SEO practices to conform to the demands of the updates, these fresh updates on Panda and Penguin should not present insurmountable difficulties. In the long term, these efforts aimed at upgrading internet services should help you improve your business as well.

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