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How to Boost the Conversion Rate of your Call To Action Buttons

How to Boost the Conversion Rate of your Call To Action Buttons

How to Boost the Conversion Rate of your Call To Action Buttons

How to Boost the Conversion Rate of your Call To Action Buttons

Call to action buttons have one obvious purpose. It is to facilitate conversion. Clickable call to action buttons take the visitors on your website to the next stage, which could be lead generation or an outright sale. There are many factors influencing the conversion rate on your website. The buttons too play a role. Many businesses and also individuals believe that having a call to action button is sufficient. It is not as the button must have certain attributes that makes it clickable, not just functionally but from the perspective of the visitors and they should have the desire to proceed to the next step. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you figure out how to boost the conversion rate of your call to action buttons.

Design a Distinct Button

Buttons should not have a boring message or instruction. Millions of websites have buttons that read buy now, sign up and learn more or some wordplay that basically ends up conveying the same message in a similar way. The text on the call to action button cannot be just an instruction or a bland message. It should be a copy. It is best to hire a copywriter to come up with a clever text. Every call to action button has a purpose and the text or copy on it should convey the message in the most enticing way.

There is no rule that limits the use of only two or maximum three words on such buttons. You can use four words. You may also use a whole sentence. You can use two lines of copy if you want but of course only one should feature prominently and the second must be a secondary message. When you go for such a distinct copy on a call to action button, you are inevitably attaining some degree of uniqueness. The human brain is wired to notice differences. When too many websites have similar buttons and even multiple calls to action look the same, the only that stands out will generate the maximum traction. Incorporate such a tactic in your strategy and boost your conversion rate.

Uniqueness is not limited to the copy. Design too plays a role. The size and shape of the button, where it is placed, the color of the button, the manner in which it is highlighted and variations among buttons on different pages can impress visitors and boost conversion. One of the simplest needs is to draw the attention of the visitor and to make the button interesting. Distinctness or a certain degree of uniqueness is quintessential.

Simplify Call to Action Buttons

Call to action buttons should be easy to identify. They should look like buttons, perhaps appearing raised with a bit of three dimensional effect, having a hover and highlight feature, a different shade than the hue of the webpage or the font and styling of the texts immediately surrounding the call to action and a clear indication of clickable feature using an arrowhead or index finger implying a click. Visitors should not have to wonder if a button is clickable or not. If a button gets lost in the webpage design and is not obvious that it can be clicked on or should be clicked then the whole purpose is defeated even before the conversion process has begun.

The messaging with call to action buttons should also be simplified. Do not provide too many options to your visitors. Most people are going to fall into analysis paralysis if they are compelled to consider plenty of choices at the same time when they were not even convinced of taking the plunge. Qualify your visitor first, convert them from a cold lead to a warm lead or a basic customer and then present other options. Acquiring a lead or customer is the first objective, not providing all options straightway and just confusing the audience.

Use Click Triggers for Call to Action Buttons

Use first person in the messages on call to action buttons. First person copies where the visitor is referred to as I, my or me clock better conversions than second person reference such as you or your. This type of tactic is basically a click trigger. There are many other click triggers you can use. Testimonials, tweets, reviews and ratings, data or statistics, guarantees, discounts, freebies, security and privacy are some effective click triggers.

Website owners and designers should also go all out in the ultimate moments of conversion. The size of the button can be larger compared to the form in a previous webpage if a visitor is progressing and is hence more likely to sign up. There may be more emphasis on one offer instead of two or three, peripheral information may be gradually taken off the pages as a visitor progresses through the site or the conversion process and then there can be a full blown marketing strategy at play, advertising the promotional offers, announcing freebies, providing flexibility in modes of payment, boldly stating the guarantees and making the conversion an easy transition.

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